Divert to Palletizing

Divert to Palletizing

Automatic Barcode Diverting


Our customer purchased robotic palletizing cells and a large, activated roller belt conveyor. They then asked CDSL to provide the additional conveyor control system to integrate the new divert conveyor between a single packaging line and 7 palletizing lanes. Rather than adding another isolated system, we expanded the controls of the existing packaging line to include the new diverting system as well as 6 barcode readers.

As cases travel onto the divert conveyor, the barcode readers identify the SKU of each case and divert it to the associated palletizing lane. The systems feeding the packaging line are in another area of the plant, so a remote HMI was installed in this area for SKU assignments. Interlocks were added to keep upstream equipment from running when the active SKU is not assigned as the active/next SKU to a downstream palletizing lane.  Since upstream equipment changes SKU based on production output, the palletizing batch quantities can vary. To eliminate needed operator intervention, an End of Batch sticker is placed on the last case to enter the packaging line. The downstream barcode readers identify this sticker and automatically end the palletizing batch once the last case is stacked.


The system was designed to operate with as little operator interaction as possible. This allows the packaging line operators to continue working without having to worry about downstream backups or stoppages. To reduce potential downtime, any case that reaches the divert area with an unreadable label, missing label, or un-assigned SKU is automatically diverted to manual lane to keep the packaging line flowing. 

Additionally, all new hardware and programming was implemented to mimic the existing system. This eliminates the need for addition spare parts inventory and keeps maintenance personnel from needing to learn an entirely new system.

Meeting the customer’s needs takes precedence in creating a custom solution that is both simple to operate and offers a familiar feel for those using it daily.

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